Anton, Magnus and Olof publishes in CIS Iron and Steel Review

Iron Ore Market Review 2018

CIS Iron and Steel Review (2019 Vol.17)

Iron ore prices remained at relatively high levels during 2018. Premia paid for high quality ores increased and are substantial. Global iron ore production is estimated to grow by around 2% in 2018. Sharp cuts in production of un-beneficiated ore have taken place in China during 2018. Demand for iron ore in general and for high grade products in particular has however increased. Future developments in China, both in the steel and iron ore industries, will be crucial to the global iron ore markets in 2019. This review is written in March 2019 and incorporates as much as possible figures and trends for the full year 2018, in some cases this is however not yet possible.

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Mining’s contribution to national economies between 1996 and 2016

Magnus Ericsson and Olof Löf publishes article in Mineral Economics.

In several low- and middle-income countries rich in non-fuel mineral resources, mining makes significant contributions to national economic development as measured by the revised Mining Contribution Index (MCI-Wr). Ten countries among the 20 countries where mining contributes most (highest MCI-Wr score) have moved up one or two steps in the World Bank’s country classification between 1996 and 2016. In particular, African countries have benefitted. Socio-economic development indicators also show signs of progress for African mineral-rich countries. This paper provides an update and expansion of an earlier study within the framework of the United Nations University (UNU) World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) initiative Extractives for Development. Based on the detailed data available for the sector, such as production, export, prices, mineral rents, exploration expenditure and government revenues, an analysis is carried out of the current situation for 2016, and trends in mining’s contribution to economic development for the years 1996–2016. The contribution of minerals and mining to GDP and exports reached a maximum at the peak of the mining boom in 2011. Naturally, the figures for mining’s contribution had declined for most countries by 2016, but importantly the levels were still considerably higher than in 1996. The results of this survey contradict the widespread view that mineral resources create a dependency that might not be conducive to economic and social development. In addition, this paper presents an attempt to use already available socio-economic indicators for African mineral-rich countries to measure socio-economic developments. One preliminary conclusion of this survey is that mining countries perform better than oil-producing countries and non-mineral countries in Africa as measured by these indices of human development and governance.

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Extractive Industries The Management of Resources as a Driver of Sustainable Development

Magnus Ericsson, Olof Löf & Anton Löf from RMG Consulting has contributed to a new book published by UNU-WIDER and Oxford University Press, edited by Tony Adison and Alan R. Roe

Extractive Industries: The Management of Resources as a Driver of Sustainable Development

New initiatives recognize that resource wealth can provide a means, when properly used, for poorer nations to decisively break with poverty by diversifying economies and funding development spending. Extractive Industries: The Management of Resources as a Driver of Sustainable Development explores the challenges and opportunities facing developing countries in using oil, gas, and mining to achieve inclusive change. 

While resource wealth can yield prosperity it can also, when mismanaged, cause acute social inequality, deep poverty, environmental damage, and political instability. There is a new determination to improve the benefits of extractive industries to their host countries, and to strengthen the sector's governance. Extractive Industries provides a comprehensive contribution to what must be done in this sector to deliver development, protect often fragile environments from damage, enhance the rights of affected communities, and support climate change action. It brings together international experts to offer ideas and recommendations in the main policy areas. With a breadth of collective insight and experience, it argues that more attention must be given to the development role of extractive industries, and looks to the future to explain how action on climate change will profoundly shape the sector's prospects.

Chapter 3. Mining's contribution to low- and middle-income economies 
Magnus Ericsson and Olof Löf 

Chapter 25. Downstream activities: The possibilities and the realities 
Olle Östensson and Anton Löf 

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Mineraltillgångar bidrar till utveckling i världen

Article by Magnus Ericsson & Olof Löf in Bergsmannen.

Rika mineralförekomster och en väl utvecklad gruvindustri ger väsentliga bidrag till nationell ekonomisk och social utveckling. Särskilt i utvecklingsländer. Mineralrika länder utvecklas också snabbare än länder med få kända mineraltillgångar. Detta visar en ny studie av världens alla länder, inom ramen för FN-Universitetets (UNU) World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) initiativ Extractives for Development.

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