Magnus Ericsson presented at the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) seminar on “EU’s normative role in African extractive governance”.

In conjunction with the 25th Mining Indaba South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) hosted a seminar of “EU’s normative role in African extractive governance”. RMG Consultants and Magnus Ericsson was invited to report from the STRADE (Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe) project which completed a 3-year Horizon 2020 project in November 2018.

Photo: SAIIA

Photo: SAIIA

For details about the STRADE results please go to

For details about SAIIA please go to

For details on the seminar please see

Presentation at the 48th Regular Meeting and Joint Study Groups Seminar

Findings on Social Acceptance in a Comparative Study of Mining Approval Processes.

On the 26th of October Anton Löf presented at the 48th Regular Meeting and Joint Study Groups Seminar on social acceptance of the mining and metals industry (International Copper Study Group, International Lead & Zinc Study Group, International Nickel Study Group). The presentation is based on the study Eva Liedholm Johnson, Magnus Ericsson and Anton Löf did earlier 2016 for Tillväxtanalys.

Social acceptance is about balancing interests and our study looked into the details of regulations and the presentation expands on these themes. The actual presentation can be found here:

pdf version



Anton Löf was invited to the GeoArena2014 hosted by the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) to participate in a panel discussion.

Avslutning GeoArena2014

0:53 Årets geolog 2014 - Daniel Conley - mottar sitt pris från Pia Hansson, geosektionens ordförande.

18:08 Geologiskt Arv 2014 tilldelas Bjurälvens kartslandskap. Anders Andersson, Strömsunds kommunchef och naturguide Gunnel Fredriksson tar emot priset.

33:46 Paneldiskussion Geologiska rummet. Geologiska rummet. Moderator: Patrik Hadenius. I panelen: Carola Gunnarsson (SKL), Johan Kuylenstierna (SEI), Anton Löf (RMG), Martin Jakobsson (SU), Oscar Alarik (Naturskyddsföreningen)

watch a filmed version of the event