Raw Materials Report
In late 1981 the Raw Materials Group (RMG, in Swedish Råvarugruppen) published the first issue of Raw Materials Report (RMR) nowadays Mineral Economics - Raw Materials Report. It was a decision made after the RMG had already been active for 10 years and we had understood that the explanations to national Swedish problems had to be searched for internationally. To maintain and expand the global network we had already at that time started to build was another important driver for us.
Olle af Geijerstam was the enthusiast who came up with the idea in 1980. He led the Editorial Group, consisting initially of 9 persons, into unchartered waters. Magnus Ericsson is the only member of the original Editorial Group still actively supporting the journal. Today he is Editor-in-Chief.
The journal has changed names over the years, from Raw Materials Report to Journal of Mineral Policy, Business and Environment (1995 – 1999) and Minerals & Energy (2000 - 2008) and since then Mineral Economics but always with the second name Raw Materials Report. Our focus has remained more or less the same over the years, to be an “international, multidisciplinary journal focused on economics and policy issues in the minerals, metals and mining industries”. Since 1998 we cooperate closely with Luleå University of Technology in northern Sweden. In the years 1995 – 2008 we also had the Centre for Energy, Petroleum & Mineral Law and Policy at the University of Dundee in Scotland as a sponsor.
Additional texts on the history of the journal are found in the editorials of the following issues: vol 1 no1, vol 11 no1, vol 12 no1, vol 13 no 1, vol 25 no 1 & vol30 no 1.
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