Nordic Steel & Mining Review: A good year for metals

Column by Anton Löf on Metal prices in Nordic Steel & Mining Review, Swedish Industry Association Magazine (Bergsmannen).

2017 was a good year for most metals. With increases in demand from China the country continues to be the dominant importer and consumer of most metals. However, the country is starting to take its environmental impact more and more serious and the winter season of 2017 has introduced further restrictions on the industry.

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Nordic Steel & Mining Review: Iron Ore Review, 2017

Article by Anton Löf & Magnus Ericsson in Nordic Steel & Mining Review.

Iron ore prices have held up surprisingly well in 2017. The strong US dollar in early 2017 helped many miners operating in countries with weaker currencies to additional income. Producers in the high-quality end of the iron ore market further benefitted from large and growing premium paid for these products.

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